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g Contests & Sweepstakes Site

BellaOnline's Contests & Sweepstakes Editor

 E D I T O R   P I C K S  

Here are the Editor's Picks articles for the Contests & Sweepstakes Site! These are the top ten articles that your Contests & Sweepstakes Editor feels are most important for you to read. Enjoy!

1. Better Homes and Gardens Sweepstakes
Better Homes and Gardens has been a well-know print magazine for decades. But it also has many online sweepstakes and contests to enter daily for cash prizes and other giveaways.

2. Mail-In Entry Supply Basics
Online entries for sweepstakes have become very popular but mail-in entries haven't yet gone the way of the dinosaur. Learn what the best basic supplies for mail-in entries are to have on hand.

3. Paying to Win
Common sense tells us it's never legitimate to pay to win a sweepstakes. Charitable gaming is an exception. But there are things to watch out for. Learn tips for avoiding pay to win scams.

4. Google Voice Numbers for Sweepstakers
Privacy is a concern for many a would-be sweepstaker. Many people hesitate to enter sweeps that require a phone number. Google Voice may just solve this problem for you.

5. Junk Mail and Local Ad Giveaways
You don't have to look any further than your own mail box for exciting opportunities for sweepstakes. Before you toss out or recycle the junk mail from national chains, local shops and advertisers - make sure you aren't throwing away an opportunity to win great prizes.

6. Lucky Four Leaf Clover Superstitions
Do you have a favorite Irish lucky charm? The most common is the four-leaf clover. Learn the folklore surrounding this plant and the phrase "luck of the Irish."

7. Gift Baskets for Sweepstakes Enthusiasts
Are you looking for the perfect gift for the sweepstakes fan in your life but stuck on ideas? A gift basket full of sweepstakes supplies and treats is just the thing and they're easy to put together.

8. Woman's World Magazine Sweepstakes
Woman's World magazine is a bestseller you've probably seen in a grocery store checkout. The website has tons of great giveaways and chances to enter. They also make it very easy to enter many drawings in just a few minutes.

9. Store and Restaurant Survey Sweepstakes
Your restaurant visits and shopping trips could be great chances to win prizes. Store surveys are easy to miss when you're in a hurry. But they're easy to enter online and offer cash prizes.

10. Best Sweepstakes Newsletter Review
Best Publications offers an excellent newsletter to keep you up to date on the most current sweeps. Email and snail mail options are available. Subscribers get extra perks too.

Be sure to visit the Contests & Sweepstakes Archives for all the articles!


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