Best Sweepstakes Newsletter Review
It's easy to get overwhelmed by searching for sweepstakes to enter on your own not to mention keeping track of them all. Serious sweepers eventually consider subscribing to newsletters so they don't miss out on great prize offers.
Best Publications has been in business almost 20 years and offers the Best Sweepstakes Newsletter as a monthly subscription. There are over 40 sweeps included in each issue with entry rules for each one including how to enter, any locations that are void to enter, relevant dates and how many entries are allowed per person or household. They generally list sweepstakes where the total value of prizes is at least $1,000, though I have seen some $500 value sweeps.
There is usually at least one inspirational story from a winner in each issue. They share what and how they won and often give words of advice for people who feel like they'll never win. You can even submit your own story for a chance to earn $20.
There's an opportunity with each issue to enter a caption contest. You'll find a cute illustration at the back of the newsletter to create a caption for. If yours is picked, you can win a book of stamps to help maintain your sweepstaking hobby.
Subscribers have an extra perk available with the listing of online sweepstakes at the site. These have a value of $1,000 or more. They also offer the Best Extra weekly newsletter separately. This is a four-page supplement with 20 more sweepstakes in each issue—a great way to catch those opportunities that didn't make it to the monthly newsletter.
Most of the sweeps included in the newsletter are for US entrants. If you're not quite sure yet about subscribing, you can opt first for a sample issue. Otherwise, your options for subscription are via online or by mail for six months or one year. The newsletter and website have no advertising and are easy to navigate. I recommend Best Sweepstakes Newsletter for sweepers who want to take their hobby to the next level. I purchased a subscription to the newsletter with my own funds and have not compensated by the publisher for my review. Visit the Best Publications website to subscribe or
Best Publications has been in business almost 20 years and offers the Best Sweepstakes Newsletter as a monthly subscription. There are over 40 sweeps included in each issue with entry rules for each one including how to enter, any locations that are void to enter, relevant dates and how many entries are allowed per person or household. They generally list sweepstakes where the total value of prizes is at least $1,000, though I have seen some $500 value sweeps.
There is usually at least one inspirational story from a winner in each issue. They share what and how they won and often give words of advice for people who feel like they'll never win. You can even submit your own story for a chance to earn $20.
There's an opportunity with each issue to enter a caption contest. You'll find a cute illustration at the back of the newsletter to create a caption for. If yours is picked, you can win a book of stamps to help maintain your sweepstaking hobby.
Subscribers have an extra perk available with the listing of online sweepstakes at the site. These have a value of $1,000 or more. They also offer the Best Extra weekly newsletter separately. This is a four-page supplement with 20 more sweepstakes in each issue—a great way to catch those opportunities that didn't make it to the monthly newsletter.
Most of the sweeps included in the newsletter are for US entrants. If you're not quite sure yet about subscribing, you can opt first for a sample issue. Otherwise, your options for subscription are via online or by mail for six months or one year. The newsletter and website have no advertising and are easy to navigate. I recommend Best Sweepstakes Newsletter for sweepers who want to take their hobby to the next level. I purchased a subscription to the newsletter with my own funds and have not compensated by the publisher for my review. Visit the Best Publications website to subscribe or
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